We’re often asked, “We’ve never used a sex toy before. Where do we start? Which product should we buy?” These are challenging questions to answer without knowing intimate details about you and your spouse’s sexual likes and dislikes, and that’s something that should stay between the two of you.
The best thing we can do to help you pick a sex toy for your marriage bed is educate you about the products we sell so you can take what you learned, make an informed purchase, and get the most out of that product during lovemaking.
Pillow Talk is a Christian-friendly sex education resource that shows couples how to use sex toys and marital aids to enhance foreplay and lovemaking. All of our guides are marriage-centered and focus on enhancing sex and intimacy.
My spouse and I have been married for over 20 years and have lots of experience with all of the sex toys and marital aids sold at Married Dance. We’ve taken our decades of experience with using sex toys and marital aids to enhance lovemaking in our marriage and shared it with you here at Pillow Talk.
Pillow Talk is organized into sections. Our how-to section teaches you about each type of sex toy sold at Married Dance and how to use them. The Q&A section answers questions customers frequently ask us. We also have a General Tips section that advises on various topics related to sex and sex toys.
So, if you’re new to sex toys or looking for a new way to use them, Pillow Talk is an excellent resource for you! A great place to begin learning about sex toys is our how-to section. Browse through those posts, and we’re sure a few items will stand out that you and your spouse will love.